Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Teena & Jo

Originally uploaded by Princess Em.

Teena Racaza and Jo Videna were my 2 bestfriends when I was working with Datacraft-Phils. We were like 3 stoogies with different personalities but same likes and dislikes in life. We've enjoyed so much our each other's gimmicks. Through laughters and crying moments we were together.

This picture was taken during DC's Christmas 2002 party. My friends won the best in costumes category (Teena as Mary while Jo as Joseph). Teena that time was 3 months pregnant (I think). Jo's crown was the wire used to connect cisco that's very resourceful.

I missed my best friends. I may have lots of best friends but they're one of the best...


At 5:13 PM, Blogger Annika's Little Hands said...

hey there tita em! musta na man ka 'day? hilak ko after i read about what you wrote. it was sweet of you to reminisce our days @ DC. maski way kwarta, suruy or inom gihapun ta. hahaha! miss you guys...
girl, i still have the same #. please text me when you can so i can email you. ayo-ayo... mwah!


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