My Lionel

My Ate and I were in a mall one Saturday, just strolling and looking for some things we don't know what we really want to buy. We passed a store named Tickles and wola.. I saw Lionel with the rest of the animal stuff toys. He was looking at me and saw him that he's the only lion on that section.
If you can remember, I wrote before that my favorite animal is a lion and I used to have lots of lion toys before. Seeing Lionel as the only lion that time, I just grabbed him as if he's telling me, "please bring me home now".
Since the time I bought him, I no longer feel lonely whenever I go home (well, my padmate always arrive very late). Seeing Lionel sitting at the center of my bed facing the entrance of the pad, I sometimes tend to smile seeing him. This sounds quite crazy but Lionel brought a different aura in my pad for the reason he always accompany me and having myself the feeling again of being a childlike.
Hello Princess Em! Akala ko stuffed toy merchandize sya from the movie Madagascar! I like to move it move it ...
hi wats0n. hehehe.. di ko pa napanood yung madagascar movie.. ano ba yun? ala lion king din??
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