How did you spend the christmas day? Was it like the usual celebration you used to have or something you will always love to remember and smile?
Ours I should say was a funny christmas and will always be.
Traditionally, our family wears red as our uniform in celebrating christmas. We do usual family pictures, have a lavish dinner and over-flowing gifts for everyone. But one thing that makes our christmas unique is the warm laughs everyone contribute. Let me share some of the proofs:

One of our family pictures were everyone wanted to have funny shot. Well, everyone were smiling especially the kids with their wacky poses.

Or course, a picture of Mommy with her gorgeous grandchildren. Two(2) kids were absent since they were in Australia but a call from them made our Christmas complete.

My nieces and nephew posed in front of the christmas tree with the overflowing gifts waiting to be opened. Sigh, Ate and I were lack of sleep since we were very busy wrapping those gifts and made sure they were wrapped uniquely. Hence, we slept almost 3am that day.

This is what happen to our sala after opening the gifts. Not even a needle can find a place on the floor since all parts of the place were messed up with wrappers, ribbons and the gifts.

These are my gorgeous Danni and Sandro. They are really gifted with beautiful smile like their Tita Em ;-)

Programs with sing, dance and games will always be part of our christmas celebration. Here is the usual newspaper dance which has always been famous to us. Our prices were just P20 per game but everyone enjoyed playing and winning them.
Christmas is always important to our family and we really prepare for everyone to enjoy. For our dear Mommy, we know she was very happy those times because we were almost complete and had fun to be each other. We love you Mommy and for us, everyday will be christmas in our hearts..