Sunday, June 25, 2006

My First Diary

I was overwelmed when I saw my very first diary. When I started reading the contents of it, I was both crying and laughing on how I composed my day to day experiences. Also, I was thrilled seeing the evolution of my penmanship.

I had my first diary when I was ten (10) years old. I remember this was a gift from my sister, Tel since she also has same like mine. This has been my diary until I was in college. Handwritings were changing even the words I chose in completing a certain experience to write about.

Within this diary, many things are kept in it such as the stickers I got from my friends in grade school, lots of flowers from admirers, crushes and boyfriends (hahahha), pictures of the boys of my life (oowwweeee), lots of paper money signed by different presidents, hospital bracelets and others. Well, a small book with so many memories inside that has been kept for so many years.

Above are samples of the inside of my diary... a summer experience in Manila when I had a summer workshop in CCP and a flower given to me when I was in high school.

Isn't it, it is a very nice feeling to see our things from the past and remembering the different experiences. Thanks to my sister, Tel for influencing me to write anything in the diary. With this passion, I still continue this through my journals eventually, my princess-em blog in the internet. I guess, I have to start again writing in a small notebook for us to appreciate again the beauty of our penmanship.

Lastly, I dedicate this write-up to my dear friend Wats0n. I promised him to show this diary when we went to Baguio but I forgot to bring it.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Movie: The Da Vinci Code

I finally had the chance to watch the movie, The Da Vinci Code. Everyone was talking about the movie and how boring was it as compared to the well-famous book written by Dan Brown. As for me to fully judge the said movie, I watched it last Saturday with my niece, Nics.

For good points, director, Ron Howard chose great locations and was able to conceptualize the events from past relating to the present scenes. The events were well photographed as if you're the reading the chapters of the book. Hence, Silas had the strongest character in the film where the actor, Paul Bettany has well portrayed the great servant of the Opus Dei.

Unfortunately, for the main characters portrayed by Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou, they simply do not have chemistry which makes the whole film boring. I believe there was no involvement of emotional feelings which makes no impact in the film as compared in the book.

Nevertheless, I was still had the excitement while watching the movie because I was reminiscing the time I was in France. I did in fact went to Mussee du Louvre and witnessed the gorgeous place especially the famous glass pyramid. In the attached picture, it is the Louvre Museum and on the left side is the pyramid where Tom Hanks also had his last shot in the film (as shown on the upper picture).

In summary, I should say the picture has just a satisfactory rate.