My friend Bong introduced me to have the passion in photography since he knows I travel I lot and always bring my digital camera. At first I was a bit hesitant to attend the intro-class since it will shorten my precious sleeping time. Nevertheless, I still got up early and went to the class with my camera as a requirement.
In the session, we were basically ten (10) people. Initially, I was intimidated since majority of them use SLR camera while mine is just a compact 4-year old digital camera. Good thing, it was not a requirement to have those stuff but instead the goal of the class is to teach us the basic things to know in taking pictures and maximize the features of your existing camera so that the result is like taken by a professional photographer. With that message, I was hooked to continue the class.
Our first assignment was to take a photo either in your house or office. Well, so far my photo passed to our teacher. It just need minor deletions to some of the things seen and move the angle of the camera. But everything was great since I applied most of the techniques discussed. Below is the photo I submitted. I hired my officemate, Jobert as my model. Here, I took him as well as the frames of the window on a lower exposure to have a silhouette effect while the buildings are clear to be seen. Model is thinking deeply while drinking coffee and looking at the view finding answers to his questions. Well, how'd find it, huh?? ;-)

Last Saturday, it was our third session and we all went to American Cemetery in Fort, Taguig. It was gloomy but the scenery was awesome. We were scattered to be sure we do not have same subjects to shoot. It took us almost two (2) hours to finish taking pictures and tell you it was exhausting since the place is so huge and many things should be taken. Also, we do also have a contest whoever has the best picture. Hence, we do not know yet the price.
Well, I would like to share with you some of my subjects that I took and each one of them has a story to tell.

First photo is the main hall where all the names of the soldiers were printed. My story here is the woman walking is one of the wives of the soldiers where names are printed on the walls. She is looking for the name of his husband. The hall has circular path where it is endless like a circle bounded by walls giving protection.
The story of this photo is a tree who is not really alone. He is accompanied by the dead soldiers that are with him forever. Like him, they too are resting in a serene place.
I was inside the circular hole when I see this big opening at the roof that gives light to the hall. I got attracted. It's like you're in a dark tunnel and at the end of it, a light is there giving you hope.
This is one of my favorite photos. On the grass where the soldiers are buried, I saw this dead leaf lying peacefully with other alive little red flowers.
Another favorite of mine. I framed the tree to the walls of the circular walls. It's a framed picture.
There are more pictures with stories to tell. Honestly, it was a great experience. On our graduation day which will be next week, our photos will be presented by our teachers and will give freely their critics.
Lastly, I thank my friend, Bong for inviting me on this class. At least now, everytime I take a picture, I will be more observant to the things around and make sure to have a very nice pictures with the techniques to be applied. At present, I have the passion already in photography..hence, I am still not yet convince to buy an SLR camera...hehehe.. ;-)