Kindergarten Fun

Do you still remember the first time you stepped in your school? I remembered I woke up very early and very excited.
Going to my classroom, my sister accompanied and not to forget she said " if someone bullies you, tell me". That's my over-protective sister. I sat at the middle front row to make sure I can see my teacher. I had classmates who were crying the whole time simply because they want also their mommy to sit beside them. But me, I just had my sister who carried my trolly then she left going to her class. I was brave enough to be left there. After my class, I just waited inside my classroom for my sister to arrive. No crying and tantrums. I felt that time I was a big girl already.
Well, the rest of my kindergarten days were really fun. In fact, I remembered it was all playing and eating with my classmates. Although, I also have my share of fights with girls as well as boys. Hence, principal office was like a second classroom to me. But inspite of it, I was still able to receive academic awards during our graduation. When we had our annual book, I had a picture there jumping on top of the crossed arms of two of my classmates while the rest of the class were watching my balleting jump. Reminiscing that time, I voluteered to do the stunt first. Well, I believe I was already confident of myself.
It's fun to remember those times and feel to be a child again. I am proud to say, I really do have a happy childhood. My parents exposed us to different arts and sports for us to be sociable and meet new friends. How about you? How was your kindergarten days?